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Moldova LEADER IT Soft (MLIS) GOV, POLISH AID The "Moldova LEADER IT Soft" Information System (MLIS) is intended to automate the flow of information and activities for all interested parties in the LEADER Program implementation process, including the selection, approval, financing and monitoring of development projects, which aim to achieve the Strategies of Local Development (SDL) of Local Action Groups from the Republic of Moldova. The purpose of MLIS is to create a state information resource that will facilitate the communication of the parties participating in the implementation of the LEADER Program in Moldova, namely: MAIA, AIPA, other interested parties, the LAGs of the Republic of Moldova and the final beneficiaries of subsidies, as well as other interested parties, such as organizations representing the LAGs - by digitizing the entire business process of the projects proposed for financing and financed, starting with the application and ending with their archiving. At the same time, MLIS will ensure the digitization of LEADER in the Republic of Moldova through the possibility of monitoring the SDL implementation of the LAGs. | |
State Labor Inspectorate International Labour Organization | |
National Integrity Authority GIZ | |
Competition Council from the Republic of Moldova GOV, USAID | |
LEADER National Rural Development Network (RNDRL) from the Republic of Moldova GOV, POLISH AID | |
Superior Council of Magistracy of Republic of Moldova |
National Office for Regional and Local Development GOV | |
European Union High Level Advisers’ Mission | |
Agenția pentru Dezvoltarea și Modernizarea Agriculturii |
YK NEOVITA Health for young people |
The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) MOLDOVA |
Centrul Metodic pentru Învățământ al MAIA |
National Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse |
National Anticorruption Center |
Modernizarea Serviciilor Publice Locale în Republica Moldova |
Congress of Local Authorities from Moldova |
The State Road Administration |
North Regional Development Agency |
Central Electoral Commission of Gagauzia |
Future Classroom Lab |
Primăria Chișinău |
National Social Assistance Agency |
Organization for the development of the sector of small and medium-sized enterprises |
Shop Standardization Institute of Moldova |
Development web site of National Commission of the Financial Market |
Development of new version of the CEC websites EDMITE - Enhancing Democracy in Moldova throught inclusive and Transparent Elections Republic of Moldova |
Centre for Continuous Education in Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings MOLDOVA | |
Moldresources - Digital platform in the form of an interactive map that allows the visualization of mining excavation locations in the Republic of Moldova with an instrument for informing, consulting and detecting irregularities detected by citizens in the form of alerts | |
GIZ infrastructure projects. | |
Modernization of the Credit Guarantee Fund IT system (FGC) . | |
Moldova Governance Reform Scorecard |
Moldova Crowdfunding national platform |
Fundației pentru Copii Pestalozzi |
Corruption Analysis and Prevention Center | |
LPA Cantemir |
LPA Baurci | |
Competition Council | |
Information resource for civil society institutions and ordinary citizens | |
Digital platform in the form of an interactive map that allows the visualization of mining excavation locations in the Republic of Moldova with an instrument for informing, consulting and detecting irregularities detected by citizens in the form of alerts |
Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova |
Strengthening the Permanent Secretariat of the National Committee for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings IOM |
Informational portal on the justice sector |
Promote professional and responsible journalism by supporting regional network of self-regulatory bodies Council of Europe |
The Public Association "Lawyers for Human Rights" |
The Foreign Policy Association |
National assistance and protection center |
The Consolidated Agricultural Projects Management Unit. Republica Moldova |
Migration and Local Development (MiDL) UNDP | |
National Anticorruption Center UNDP |
Competition Council IFC/WORLDBANK |
National Employers Confederation of the Republic of Moldova | |
Technical Center for Industrial Safety and Certification |
Subdivisions of MOLDSILVA Agency |
National Social Insurance Chamber |
National Institute of Standardization and Metrology |
Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova |
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova |
Strengthening the Permanent Secretariat of the National Committee for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings |
Decentralization of LPA |
Directorate for Trade, Food and Services of Chisinau mayoralty |
The Gagauzia Region Development Agency |
South Region Development Agency |
Center Region Development Agency |
North Region Development Agency |
State Inspection in Construction Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH |
Government Participation Platform - a public electronic service ensuring transparency of the governance process. The direct purpose of the creation of the Registry is to ensure transparency of Projects Government Decisions, Draft laws, Proposal for Public Policy, Reports, regulatory information, Government strategies and reduce bureaucracy, as well as ensuring free access of business representatives, civil society, and the public to documents issued by the government public institution |
Information System "Management of relations with the members of the Moldova Fruct association" | |
Social entrepreneurship business portal | |
Monitoring of children, Project "Educational and socio-psychological inclusion of children de migranți”. |
Budget Execution Data Visualization Portal that will aggregate data from MoF and State Treasury on the revenues and expenditures of central and local government institutions, and display select data series in a user-friendly format accessible to several categories of users. Budget Execution Data Visualization Portal “BEDV” Facilitate the access of wider audiences, including ordinary citizens, to budget and fiscal information of public interest, as result of implementing a user-friendly web-based data visualization portal on budget creation and execution. | |
ESHOP Standards - The primary goal of the IT system is to ensure the actors participating in the marketing of standards in force in the Republic of Moldova with a powerful IT solution used to support the automation of their activity in order to implement the legal framework provisions and to ensure the economic agents with the required standards. In order to ensure and facilitate secure online access to the detailed content of the standards, the Standard Online System will allow the electronic receipt of standards acquisition requests and online access for viewing and / or printing the textual content of the standards. | |
Register of Missions Audit of the Court of Accounts of Moldova Information system that provides the ability to record detailed information related to management subsequent of audits by the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova. It contains information about audits from the stage of the audit plans to the stage of final external audits including both the requirements and recommendations of the audit results and information about the complaints made by the subjects submissively the audit. Primary destination of the information system is to provide the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova with a powerful software solution used to support the automation of planning and perform external public audit on the public authorities and state enterprises. The main advantage of the information system is that to allow possibilities to track real-time all current events of audits and history audits performed by Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova and generate real-time reports analysis of Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova efficiency activities. The information system provides a WEB public interface intended to provide public access of the audit missions results by the Court of Accounts of Republic Moldova, accessible on the official web page |
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State Aid Register of Moldova. Informatics System that automates the process of notification, reporting and monitoring of state aid. Access to this informatics system have all state aid suppliers in Moldova (government, local authorities and institutions managing state resources). State Aid Register of Moldova (SIRASM) is used to ensure access to relevant information in the field of state aid, by providing beneficiaries, practitioners and theorists the necessary tools to find the trends on the state aid, and to develop a unique information resource on state aid. At the same time, anyone interested will have access to data on the state aid provided in Moldova, the relevant legislation in the field and specialty publications. The creation of SIRASM is imposed by the need to increase transparency in the provision of state aid, contributing in this way to minimize the negative impact of state aid on competition and international trade and to harmonize the Moldovan legislation with the EU legislation. The information system provide a WEB public interface intended to provide public access of the state aid inventory, accessible on the official web page: | |
State Registry of Local Acts. State Registry of Local Acts is an IT solution the objective of providing inventories and exhaustive evidence of official documents issued by the level 1 and 2 local public authorities of Moldova (such as decisions and orders). Another key objective is to provide public access to documents issued by local authorities in Moldova and provide transparency of the lawmaking at the local level. In this sense, the IT solution provides all workflows for writing and publication of the documents issued by local authorities (lawmaking at the local level) and flows for the State Chancellery of the Republic of Moldova for the implementation of procedures for administrative control of the legality of acts issued by local public authorities. |
The system provide mechanism to disseminating of the data on external web sites based on a widget and a WEB interface intended to provide public access to documents issued by local authorities available at URL:, |
e-Authorization. IT solution identified of getting benefits and immediate impact in the activity of Chișinău Mayoralty and applicants for operating permits. Is an IT solution of the categories: Government-to-Government (G2G), Government to Business (G2B) and Government to Citizen (G2C) pointing toward ensuring the transition from traditional ways of manually processing paper documents to full digitization work of public servants involved in the workflows for authorization of operation. Primary destination of the information system is to provide actors involved in the process of issuing the operating permit with a powerful software solution used to support the automation of their work to implement the provisions of the legal framework for business regulation. | |
Management Information System (MIS) “MAC-P”. The MAC-P Management Information System is a computer solution designed to inform UCIMPA's activities to monitor UCIMPA project management processes, manage the electronic files filed by farmers to obtain financing, post-finance monitoring of funded farmers, extracting reports and statistics to assess the efficiency of funding. MAC-P provides the user with an Internet access interface through an Internet browsers. The IT solution provides support for integration with other IT subsystems and applications using Web services - a technology aligned method to current trends in collaborating for application examination procedures or dissemination of information. | |
eExpertise: Anti-corruption expertise of projects of regulatory and legislative acts. Information system, which digitizes expertise, processes of projects of legislative acts within the National Anti-Corruption Center of Moldova. Anti-Corruption expertise is a mandatory procedure that provides adoption specific categories of draft document normative-legislative. eExpertise is implementing entire workflow intended for reception, expertise, dissemination of anti-corruption expertise result and monitoring anti-corruption recommendations forwarded to projects of normative-legislative acts. IT solution provides a collaborative environment that allows distributed activities in expertise of regulatory and legislative acts. Also, is provided platform to generate reports through which can be generated a wide range of reports for process analysis of anti-corruption expertise of legislative and normative draft documents. Should be noted, the report anti-corruption expertise of draft document of normative legislative is generated automatically based on expert assessment performed through the mechanisms provided by eExperise. |
The information system provide a WEB public interface intended to provide public access to anti-corruption expertise of normative legislative document projects, accessible via the official web page of the National Anti-Corruption Center: |